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Dr. Mercola, Pro-optimale Whey Vanille Geschmack, 1,2 kg (540 g)

94,99 €
Product code: PROWHEY-540-MER

Verfügbarkeit: Nicht auf Lager

€ 175,91 / kg
Nettogewicht: 800 gramm
  • ab 2 zu je 93,09 €und Sie sparen 2%
  • ab 4 zu je 91,19 €und Sie sparen 4%
  • ab 12 zu je 89,29 €und Sie sparen 6%
inkl. MwSt., versandkosten € 4.95, versandkostenfrei über € 80,-


Wenn mit einer ausgewogenen Ernährung für ganze Lebensmittel verwendet, soll Pro-optimale Molke fördern eine optimale Zufuhr von Protein, Fette, Kohlenhydrate, Vitamine und Mineralien, die für Gesamtwellness benötigt. Pro-optimale Molke wird mit Proserum, native Molkeprotein-Konzentrat hergestellt. Es verwaltet das gesamte Spektrum der alle die fragile immun-Steigerung und regenerative Komponenten natürlich in frischer Rohmilch. Es wird hergestellt mit proprietären Filtration und Trocknung, die minimale Verarbeitung umfasst. Diese einzigartige Produktionsmethode wird sichergestellt, dass die Molke nicht Temperaturen ausgesetzt ist, die die ursprünglichen Komponenten zerstören würden. Wir verwenden keine Cross-Flow-Filtration, Mikrofiltration, Hydrolyzation oder Ionenaustausch Methoden, die die ursprüngliche Proteine die aus Herden, die ganze Jahr über denaturieren stammen auf Weiden Weiden Krankheit-frei, frei von Pestiziden, chemiefreie, Naturrasen. Milch von Kühen, Gras gefüttert hat oft höhere CLA und enthält ein ausgewogenes Verhältnis von essentiellen Fettsäuren. Die Milchkühe werden nie gefüttert Korn oder ausgesetzt Behandlung mit Wachstumshormon, Chemikalien, Antibiotika, genetisch veränderte Organismen, Hyperimmunisierung oder injizierten Krankheitserreger. Das Ergebnis ist höchste Qualität Protein-Formulierung zur Verfügung.

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Beschreibung Dr. Mercola, Pro-optimale Whey Vanille Geschmack, 1,2 kg (540 g)

Serving Size: 1 scoop (30grams)\xa0*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 caloriediet.
 Daily Value not established.


Servings PerContainer: 18
Amount PerServing% DailyValue
Calories fromFat20\xa0
TotalFat2 g3%*
Saturated Fat0 g0%
Trans Fat0 g 
Cholesterol20 mg7%*
Sodium70 mg3%*
Potassium110 mg3%*
Total Carbohydrates6 g2%*
Dietary Fiber1 g4%*
Sugars2 g 
Protein17 g35%*
Vitamin C (as AscorbicAcid)90 mg150%
Vitamin E20 IU70%
d-gamma tocopherol40 mg\xa0
d-delta tocopherol17 mg\xa0
d-alpha tocopherol9mg\xa0
d-beta tocopherol1 mg\xa0
Vitamin B1 (asThiamine Mononitrate)2.5 mg160%
Vitamin B2 (as Riboflavin)2.1 mg120%
Vitamin B3 (asNiacinamide)4 mg20%
Vitamin B6 (as Pyridoxine HCl)2.5 mg120%
Vitamin B12 (asMethylcobalamin)6 mcg100%
Biotin (as d-biotin)100 mcg33%
Calcium80 mg8%
Iron0 mg0%
Magnesium (TRAACS magnesiumglycinate chelate buffered)48 mg10%
Zinc (TRAACS zinc glycinate chelate)3.3mg20%
Chromium (TRAACSchromium nicotinate glycinate chelate)50 mcg40%
Total GlutamineValue3.9 g 
Bound Glutamic Acid (Proserum)3 g\xa0
L-Glutamine900 mg\xa0
Immunoglobulins (Proserum WheyProtein)2.1 g 
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)120 mg 
Taurine95 mg 
n-zymes50 mg 
Amylase2200 DU\xa0
Protease 4.55000HUT\xa0
Protease 3.010.7 SAPU\xa0
Protease 6.0(Concentrate)2000 HUT\xa0
Lactase400 ALU\xa0
Inositol48 mg 
Other Ingredients

Proprietary whey protein concentrate from MILK(MILK) (Proserum), natural vanilla flavor, sunflower lecithin, vegetable cellulose.Contains MILK(MILK). This product does not contain FISH(FISH), SHELLFISH (SHELLFISH), PEANUTS(PEANUT), TREE NUTS(NUTS), EGGS(EGGS), SOY(SOY) protein, WHEAT(WHEAT), GLUTEN, artificial colors, flavors or preservatives.

Dr. Mercola, Pro-Optimal Whey, Vanilla Flavor, 1.2 lbs (540 g)

  • Premium Supplements
  • All Natural
  • Powdered Dietary Supplement Drink Mix
  • Proserum

Pro-Optimal Whey: Highest Quality Ingredients and Formulation

When used with a balanced whole foods diet, Pro-Optimal Whey is designed to help promote an optimal intake of protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals needed for overall wellness. Pro-Optimal Whey is made with Proserum, native whey protein concentrate. It maintains the full range of all the fragile immune-boosting and regenerative components naturally present in fresh raw milk. It is produced using proprietary filtration and drying which involves minimal processing. This unique production method ensures that the whey is not subjected to temperatures that would destroy the original components. We do not use cross-flow filtration, microfiltration, hydrolyzation or ion exchange methods which denature the original proteins which come from herds that graze year-round on disease-free, pesticide-free, chemical-free, natural grass pastures. Milk from grass-fed cows has many times higher levels of CLA and contains a proper balance of essential fatty acids. The milking cows are never fed grain or subjected to any growth hormone treatment, chemicals, antibiotics, genetically modified organisms, hyperimmunization or injected pathogens. The result is the highest quality protein formulation available.


Better than Soy

Whey protein is nature's richest source of biologically active protein. Unlike soy protein, which is low in the amino acid methionine, whey protein contains all the amino acids the body needs in the best balance yet discovered in any food.

Whey protein is derived from milk. We have added the proprietary full spectrum enzyme blend n-zymes which contains lactase and proteases. This blend was added to aid in digestion of the small amount of lactose present and to assist in the breakdown and assimilation of the various high quality proteins found in milk.


Suggested Use

Mix one scoop (30 grams) in eight ounces of water or any other beverage per day, or as directed by your health care practitioner. Pro-Optimal Whey may be blended into a shake if desired. Pro-Optimal Whey is not intended to be the sole source of calories, but used as part of an overall program of healthy eating. Ingest on an empty stomach and do not eat for 30 minutes afterward. If you experience intestinal discomfort consuming this product, slowly add the recommended serving size to your daily intake until one scoop is easily tolerated.


Other Ingredients

Proprietary whey protein concentrate from milk (Proserum), natural vanilla flavor, sunflower lecithin, vegetable cellulose.

Contains milk. This product does not contain fish, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, soy protein, wheat, gluten, artificial colors, flavors or preservatives.



Notice: Use this product as a food supplement only. Do not use for weight reduction.


Supplement Facts Dr. Mercola, Pro-Optimal Whey, Vanilla Flavor, 1.2 lbs (540 g)
Serving Size: 1 scoop (30 grams)
Servings Per Container: 18
 Amount Per Serving% Daily Value
Calories from Fat20 
Total Fat2 g3%*
Saturated Fat0 g0%
Trans Fat0 g
Cholesterol20 mg7%*
Sodium70 mg3%*
Potassium110 mg3%*
Total Carbohydrates6 g2%*
Dietary Fiber1 g4%*
Sugars2 g
Protein17 g35%*
Vitamin C (as Ascorbic Acid)90 mg150%
Vitamin E20 IU70%
d-gamma tocopherol40 mg 
d-delta tocopherol17 mg 
d-alpha tocopherol9 mg 
d-beta tocopherol1 mg 
Vitamin B1 (as Thiamine Mononitrate)2.5 mg160%
Vitamin B2 (as Riboflavin)2.1 mg120%
Vitamin B3 (as Niacinamide)4 mg20%
Vitamin B6 (as Pyridoxine HCl)2.5 mg120%
Vitamin B12 (as Methylcobalamin)6 mcg100%
Biotin (as d-biotin)100 mcg33%
Calcium80 mg8%
Iron0 mg0%
Magnesium (TRAACS magnesium glycinate chelate buffered)48 mg10%
Zinc (TRAACS zinc glycinate chelate)3.3 mg20%
Chromium (TRAACS chromium nicotinate glycinate chelate)50 mcg40%
Total Glutamine Value3.9 g
Bound Glutamic Acid (Proserum)3 g 
L-Glutamine900 mg 
Immunoglobulins (Proserum Whey Protein)2.1 g
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)120 mg
Taurine95 mg
n-zymes50 mg
Amylase2200 DU 
Protease 4.55000 HUT 
Protease 3.010.7 SAPU 
Protease 6.0 (Concentrate)2000 HUT 
Lactase400 ALU 
Inositol48 mg
*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
†Daily Value not established.

Empfohlene Dosierung

Mix one scoop (30 grams) in eight ounces of water or any other beverage per day, or as directed by your health care practitioner. Pro-Optimal Whey may be blended into a shake if desired. Pro-Optimal Whey is not intended to be the sole source of calories, but used as part of an overall program of healthy eating. Ingest on an empty stomach and do not eat for 30 minutes afterward. If you experience intestinal discomfort consuming this product, slowly add the recommended serving size to your daily intake until one scoop is easily tolerated. , Notice: Use this product as a food supplement only. Do not use for weight reduction.

Beachten Sie die (empfohlen) Tagesdosis. Ausserhalb der Reichweite von kleinen Kindern halten.

Eine abwechslungsreiche und ausgewogene Ernahrung und eine gesunde Lebensweise sind wichtig. Nahrungserganzungsmittel sind kein Ersatz fur eine abwechslungsreiche Ernahrung.

Die Texte auf dieser Produktseite werden nicht von der EFSA überprüft . Wir nehmen so viel wie möglich der ursprünglichen Produktbeschreibung des Herstellers auf und entfernen alle Texte, die die Europäische Nährwert Gesetzgebung nicht erfüllen.

Zusatzinformation Dr. Mercola, Pro-optimale Whey Vanille Geschmack, 1,2 kg (540 g)

EAN Code0813006011778
Original ProduktnamePro-Optimal Whey Vanilla Flavor (540 Gram) - Dr. Mercola
KernproduktnamePro-Optimal Whey Vanilla Flavor
MarkeDr. Mercola
Gewicht (Gramm)800.0000
Anzahl der Verpackungen1
Anzahl der Einheiten0.540
Art der Einheitenkg
Produktkriterien100% Bio
Beinhaltet nichtGluten, Weizen, Eier, Soja, Nüsse, Fisch und Schalentiere, Künstliche Farbstoffe, Künstliche Aromastoffe, Konservierungsstoffe
HerstellungslandVereinigte Staaten
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Dr. Mercola, Pro-optimale Whey Vanille Geschmack, 1,2 kg (540 g) ist in Ihren Warenkorb gelegt

Pro-Optimal Whey Vanilla Flavor (540 Gram) - Dr. Mercola

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Dr. Mercola, Pro-optimale Whey Vanille Geschmack, 1,2 kg (540 g) wurde von Ihrem Warenkorb entfernt

Pro-Optimal Whey Vanilla Flavor (540 Gram) - Dr. Mercola

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